pet food can

medium pet food can - brushed finish - 3/4 view main imagemedium pet food can - brushed finish - 3/4 view with dogmedium pet food can - brushed finish - front view imagemedium pet food can - brushed finish - front top down view imagemedium pet food can - brushed finish - inner bucket out of can imagemedium pet food can - lifestyle dog on canmedium pet food canmedium pet food canmedium pet food canmedium pet food canmedium pet food canmedium pet food canmedium pet food canmedium pet food canmedium pet food canmedium pet food canmedium pet food canmedium pet food canlarge pet food can - main imagelarge pet food can - lifestyle with dog imagelarge pet food can - front view imagelarge pet food can - top down imagelarge pet food can - lid open with bucket imagelarge pet food can - lifestyle dog eating out of canlarge pet food can - lifestyle dog sitting by canlarge pet food canlarge pet food canlarge pet food canlarge pet food canlarge pet food canlarge pet food canlarge pet food canlarge pet food canlarge pet food canlarge pet food canlarge pet food canlarge pet food canx-large pet food canx-large pet food canx-large pet food canx-large pet food canx-large pet food canx-large pet food can - lifestyle woman scooping foodx-large pet food can - lifestyle can next to bowlsx-large pet food canx-large pet food canx-large pet food canx-large pet food canx-large pet food canx-large pet food canx-large pet food canx-large pet food canx-large pet food canx-large pet food canx-large pet food canx-large pet food can
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pet food can

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$210 Regular price
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product information

Robust lock-tight handle keeps food in and pets out. Silicone gasket forms an airtight seal so food stays fresh. Convenient scoop attaches magnetically under the lid. Large capacity (30-35 lb/14-16 kg) is ideal for storing dog or pet food, or other bulk items like flour, rice, sugar or charcoal.

material: white steel
capacity: 30-35 lb/14-16 kg (approx. 32 lb of dry pet food)
warranty: 10 year
sku: CW2113

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